A New Pledge Of Allegiance
For Patriots And Sovereigns

I pledge allegiance to the Flag and to the REPUBLIC,
NOT the Legislative Democracy, for which it stands.
One Sovereign Nation with Liberty, Freedom and Justice,
Secured by: "The Constitution for the united states of America'
And 'The Bill of Rights," for: "We The People."
With a Constitutional form of government,
Established under Common Law,
NOT statutes, an abrogation of law, imposed
Under Admiralty or Maritime, martial law, jurisdiction .
But Common Law jurisdiction, with courts of Law,
Not tribunals, as indicated by a gold fringed flag,
I have, and own, UNALIENABLE RIGHTS,
As enumerated in: "The Bill of Rights' and the Preamble to:
'The Constitution for the united states of America."
A gift from a supreme and infanite power.
Which guarantee my, individual share, of the National Sovereignty,
NOT privileges, granted by man, and authorized by license,
But: "One Nation, without prejudice, for all."
John-Anthony Sanderson
without prejudice