Comfort Inn, 2209 University Park Dr., Okemos, Mich. 48864, phone 1-517-349-8700. Located just off I-96 about 8 miles east of Lansing, Michigan.
Get off I-96 at exit 110 and go north for ½ block and then turn right at the drive going into the Big Boy restaurant. It is just beyond the Big Boy.
Charles F. Conces
Rooms are available by calling Jami Terrell at 1-517-349-8700, ext. 320. We have a block of 10 rooms set aside and reservations should be made as early as possible. They can add more rooms for us if we need them. 3 rooms are set aside for those who will be flying in on Sunday but I suggest that you call and make arrangements early. Tell Jami that you are with the "Lawman Public Interest Group". The rooms are $69.95 plus tax and have two beds so that people can double up and split the cost. There is a possibility for 3 in a room but the cost will be $10 more. The ladies should let me know if they will be alone so I can put them in touch with each other and they can then make sharing arrangements.
There is a motel swimming pool and eating facilities in the area. The area is very nice and should be perfectly safe for people taking walks. The motel is very nice and breakfast is included as nice pickup continental meal, which comes with the price of the room. The people from Detroit area may want to consider getting rooms because of the low cost and sharing expenses aspect.
Class Room: The motel has set aside our conference room for the 5 days. After classes, folks can relax and chat in the motel facilities.
Fly-ins: You probably will want to arrive at the Lansing Airport on Sunday. If you let me know in advance, I can either pick you up at the airport or have someone do it. Anyone who schedules a flight out on Friday afternoon, I will make arrangements to get you to the airport in Lansing. It is not a long drive.
Remember, you will have to call the Comfort Inn and make your own reservations.