Irwin Schiff couldn't resist talking to all the supporters. I think his goal in life is to educate the people on the illegallity of the income tax. To share his expertise of the income tax and of the government. He knows the economic history of our country better than most scholars and has the ability to convey this knowledge on many levels.
I love listening to Irwin Schiff. I'm still going thru withdrawls since they stopped doing the internet radio broadcast.
I need my Irwin and Cindy fix! PLEASE!!!
Everyone listened as Irwin gave his side of what went on in the courtroom.
Then Irwin shared his plans for his next move and what the government could expect from him.
It was a good time for questions and answers.
Irwin inspires thought and curiosity. He makes you look up the law to see for yourself. He says, "don't take my word on it. Look it up!
Cindy was her lovely, passionate and feisty self. She didn't take any guff from anyone in the courtroom and made sure she got her message across. Believe me, they listened too! Cindy also had an attorney there representing her and he, like Noel Spade, was there to plead for more time.
When it comes to the icome tax, Irwin and Cindy know more about the laws and procedures than most lawyers. They will fight to the death for the truth. They stand square on the laws for their defense. I really admire their strength and conviction.
Life would be so much easier for them if they
would just brake down and give-in to the government and pay, but, no. Instead they stand firmly on the law and will not be forced to do something that there is NO law requiring them to do. When you know this is true, you too will stand up for your constitutional liberties.